If you are unable to come to the office for an in-person consultation, you can get a recommendation from Dr. Epstein through sending photos and, if desired, having a virtual consultation. Please follow the instructions below for sending in photos- you will then be contacted by Dr. Epstein’s assistant, a patient advisor, who will get the doctor to evaluate them and provide his recommendations. Virtual face-to-face meetings are provided via webcam, either using Skype® or FaceTime with an Apple phone. You will be able to “meet” Dr. Epstein and receive his recommendations. There is a fee for this webcam meeting, which is then fully applied to any procedure you may undergo. This webcam meeting is not an official consultation, rather a chance to meet the doctor and here what he recommends.
Whether you have a webcam meeting and or will be sending in photos to be evaluated, please be sure to fill out the virtual consultation form.

Guidelines for Photographs
Please follow the guidelines listed below when submitting your photographs. This will allow Dr. Epstein to provide you with the best recommendations.
Photo Guidelines
So that we can provide the most accurate assessment possible, please use the following hair transplant photo guidelines:
- Submit digital photos or scanned print photos
- Use bright, natural room lighting. Do not use a flash
- Shoot from a distance of 3 – 5 feet
- Ensure that the area you are shooting is in frame and in focus
- Photos must not exceed 4MB (4,000kb) each. Please resize photos that exceed this limit.
- Acceptable photo file types are jpg or jpeg.
For your virtual consultation, we will require photographs showing the following angles:
- The top of the head. A photograph showing the top of your head will provide us with an overall view of your current hair loss, including the degree of current hair loss as well as potential hair loss that may occur in the future.
- Side profiles. Photographs showing the left and right sides, or profiles, also demonstrate the extent of hair loss.
- The back of the head. Two photographs should be taken of the back of the head, or scalp. One should simply be a photograph of the back of the head. The other should be taken of the back of the scalp while you are pulling up a horizontal strip of hair in the donor area using your hand or a comb. This second photograph will help us to assess the density of donor hair.
- Hairline. A photograph of the front hairline will allow use to see how your hairline frames your face. If you have an idea how you would like your hairline to look, you may demonstrate this by drawing your hairline on your scalp.
Provide photos showing the following angles:

Front hairline
We need to be able to understand how your existing or new hairline frames your face. This is imperative for the review process. If possible, take some time to draw your hairline on your scalp to show us where you would like to have it placed. This helps us to understand your desires and expectations from the procedure.

The top of your scalp
This gives us an overall view of your hair loss situation. The top view is important as it helps us determine the amount of existing hair loss and possible future hair loss.

Oblique profile
The profile is very important in assessing the needs of our patients. The profile helps us understand the extent of hair loss.

The back of the scalp
If possible, include a photograph with your donor hair pulled up either with your hand or with a comb. This helps us determine your donor density.