DR. EPSTEIN: Hi! I am Dr. Epstein. I am here with my patient who is now eight days post-op. We did 1,603 FUE grafts. He had some pretty prominent frontal temporal recession. You can see in just eight days how nicely he has grown in. You see all these hairs in here. This is where the grafts were placed. He had a very high frontal temporal recession so most of this is transplants. The same here.
Let’s take a look at the donor area because remember this was the incision-less technique.
He is back at work. We had buzzed this. He hair has obviously been growing back pretty quickly but you can see there is absolutely zero, really just about no detectable scarring. He has a little bit of thinning right along the side but that is the area where the hairs were shaved. Overall he looks great.
No one has been able to tell you had anything done, right?
PATIENT: Not at all.
DR. EPSTEIN: That’s great! Any words?
PATIENT: Great! The staff is great and ultimately I will come back for more hair in the future.
DR. EPSTEIN: This is Dr. Epstein with an FUE patient.
Posted by Jeffrey Epstein, MD, FACS